Archives: Animals


December 20, 2022

Margot, along with her adult son Graham, was rescued from a tragic hoarding case where she was being starved and neglected.  Margot was pregnant with twins when we rescued her,… Read More


December 20, 2022

Claire was born on a local beef farm with half of her face paralyzed. Because of this she could not blink, and had a large painful ulcer on her eyeball,… Read More


December 20, 2022

Baby Jude was born at a local dairy with a birth defect in his mouth that made him unwanted.  When we rescued him, Jude had four major infectious diseases and… Read More


November 2, 2022


November 2, 2022


November 2, 2022

Lilith was seized by authorities from a horrific abuse case at a local so-called “horse rescue.” When she came to us she was nearly dead from starvation, but with proper… Read More

Jean Marie

November 2, 2022


November 2, 2022


November 2, 2022

Pumpkin was rescued from a local puppy mill where she was being used to breed “pet pigs.”  She was horribly neglected and required surgery and hospitalization.  Despite her very low… Read More


November 2, 2022

Ramona was spared from being killed at a factory farm because she was deemed a “runt.” When she came to us she had a foot infection and was very tiny,… Read More

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